Monday, March 28, 2011


I usually don't read too much into things, but sitting at my gate this morning, waiting for my flight, this was my view. Uh oh.
So far:
Flight delayed.
Got here early to sit on a concall from hell. That it turns out I wasn't really needed for.
Restaurant forgot to put the chicken on my salad, and I didn't notice until I was finished eating. (Free salad!)
Realized that while I remembered my nighty-night pills, I packed them in my checked bag. Lotta good they'll do me there! (My company has now grossly overpaid for a small pack of Tylenol PM, but I figure we're square as I saved them an $11 salad.)
Well, the good news is my plane just arrived, and I have a new bag of peanut m&m's in my purse. Yay!
Next stop: Atlanta.

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